Two things that stood out to me in this week's study:
1. Watchtower says Satan does not have a soft spot for children. But is Jehovah any better? When Jehovah killed millions of babies during the flood of Noah's day, was he showing a soft spot for children? When Jehovah had the first born of every Egyptian killed - which undoubtedly included many babies - was he showing a soft spot for children? When Jehovah ordered the Israelites to kill all the children and infants of the Amalekites and other Canaanite groups was he showing a soft spot for children? The biblical account shows that Jehovah has killed far more infants than Satan!
2. The powerful acts performed by faithful angels are used as gauges to suggest that fallen angels - the demons and Satan - must be very powerful beings. I'm not disputing that angels and demons are more powerful beings than humans.The bible makes this clear. What I'm disputing is the idea that we can get a true impression of the extent of their inherent power by looking at accounts like that of the angel that struck down 185,000 soldiers. To do so would be fallacious for two important reasons.
Firstly, the Watchtower is foolishly assuming that the powerful acts the bible records angels doing were done entirely with their own inherent power. But it may be the case that Jehovah infused special power into these angels to allow them to do those specific tasks. To illustrate, think of the powerful works done by Samson, Elijah, Elisha and others. Would it be wise to use their powerful works as evidence that humans are very powerful beings capable of miraculous works and that a sinner must therefore be a very powerful enemy of God? No. The faithful OT prophets and judges were infused with special power beyond their inherent human capabilities. Although not explicitly stated in the bible, the same may be true of the angels. That angel that slay 185,000 soldiers could have done it with extra power given him for the task, by Jehovah.
Secondly, since satan and the demons have been cast out of heaven, they would logically be cut off from their source of extra power - Jehovah. The kinds of power that Jehovah feeds to his faithful angels to do his will, would logically not be available to Satan and the demons. Watchtower has even in the past stated that the demons powers were limited by Jehovah when they were cast into deep darkness - Tartarus - after the flood, so that they can no longer materialize fleshly bodies. Therefore it is utterly foolish to point to the powerful feats of faithful angels to gauge the extent of power possessed by unfaithful satan and the demons who have been abased.